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Save Up Credits towards a Bespoke Item.


Making to Measure and Making to Order are important parts of reducing our environmental impact. 

The Bespoke Lingerie service combines this with a deeply personal design process, the world we're building can be even better than the one we're leaving behind!


By signing up to a Bespoke Lingerie Membership, you are supporting our Brixton Studio to continue to develop environmentally regenerative processes and fabrics, to train and pay living wage to our technicians and to spread the word about making fashion a positive part of our lives.


With your credits you can have items from our Bespoke Range made in your size, with your choice of fabrics. 


We make to measure. Our fit process takes 2-3 sessions. You can book your fit sessions for either our studio in Brixton or your own home via zoom.


1) Measurements and design choices

2) Fit a 'skeleton' set. We make up a set that is the same shape, but quick to make to, for you to try and discuss adjustments

3) Fit your final set. Your final set will be made up, if you'd like any tweaks after a few wears you can setup a consultation.


Bespoke items take 6-8 weeks from initial consultation to final delivery. 


Price Options
1 credit a month
£10.00every month until canceled
2 credits a month
£20.00every month until canceled
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